Survival, Love, Purpose ~ I gotta get me some of that!

The Why About This

 Credit line (HTML Code): © Valentina Razumova |

Depending on where you are in life, those three words express your “motivators”! That which is most likely to “call you to action!”

  1. Survival
  2. Love
  3. Purpose

Really! It’s what it comes down to!

If someone bangs on the door of your house and says “your house is on fire” I guarantee you you’re going to move fast to remove yourself from the danger.

Once you’ve got the survival thing down pat (breathing, eating, shelter, safe from harm) in general terms, love is the next greatest motivator. Same scenario someone banging on your door, your first thoughts survival, your second thoughts if you do not live alone, save those you love!

And finally, the third motivator – Purpose. This is actually, for most of us humans the big boy of the three. The reason we (each day) get out of bed and want to live our lives. Our own…

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