Emergence/Change … I come for you!

The Why About This



 If you believe tomorrow comes

Then, this be a perfect time,

For me to open up your heart

And claim what must be mine.


But I fear I’m now not certain

I don’t know where to be,

There is too much, there is so much

And there is only me.


You are but one of many

Still l know just what to do,

My certainty it overflows

For every one of you.


If one believes in miracles

I can perform my deed,

Spread out my will and enter in

You’ll listen – you will heed.


If only you were wiser

I could do what I must dare,

The way would go more swiftly

And I would take you there.


If all the If’s were certainties

And all your dreams came true,

The rest would come so easily

To bring this time to you.

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Throwback Thursday: Women – Stand your ground! You can do it!

The Why About This

Last fall I published a post about it being your life and you should own it. Well I’m using the video clip I used from that post and a few of the words I said last year, so please read. It’s your life!

Stand your ground. Your life belongs to you. You are the one that breathes in and out of your body every day. You are the one who should be choosing what you plan to do with it, or are doing with it. The struggle may be difficult, but it’s worth it.

In the following video clip from the movie “Aliens” the heroine “Ripley” definitely encounters more things than we can ever imagine having to cope with in our lives by having to fight aliens on another planet.

But there is a point to be made here. When something needs to be done. She does it…

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Passionate whispers … I cannot ignore!

The Why About This

Passionate Longings

They call to me …

so enticing

the exotic, unknown flavors

I cannot Ignore.

I must explore.


The lure is overwhelming

every sense filled with a provocative longing.

I must respond  to my passion

which calls to me.


I find I am powerless to resist …

My longing

for the written word!


I Love Books! I Love Books!


Thank you for the visit, have a relaxing weekend ~ Read a book!

~ Penny


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The Written Word!

The Why About This




I – the written word

To many I am transient,

evanescent vapor.

In the moment, well thought of,

but just as quickly put aside.

my creative purpose, too frequently, surpassed,

seemingly for a better one.

And I in the midst of presentation

of poignant knowledge,

for your acquisition and enlightenment,

am left behind.

My sole passion to create your passion,

shaded subtleties and secrets

I would share for those who dare to read and learn.

Not just partake as in a feast,

feeding temporary hunger and then moving on.

Do I illuminate most vividly or is your viewing superficial?

My value and meaning dependent entirely on you.

And I – the written word – await the outcome!

~ Penny L Howe, 2013


Thank you, have a great day!

~ Penny


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Tips that help reduce stress

Stress, also known as the silent killer, can be defined as a state of mental or emotional pressure resulting from difficult or very challenging situations. Basically, it is life happening all around us and the seemingly insurmountable weight of it all. Life happens to everyone and everyone will (at some point) encounter stress. We all respond to stress in different ways but learning to structure our lives around it can ultimately be a matter of life and death, sickness or good health. Below are a few stress-reducing tips you can try.

Tip #1
Breathe, baby breathe
deep breathing(Photo courtesy of Google Images)
Deep breathing works. It really does. When I had my first child, the doctors and nurses told me to breathe, inhale through your nose (your diaphragm contracts and your lungs expand), and exhale slowly through pursed lips. This was my first introduction to deep breathing and over the years I have found that this technique has many amazing and powerful benefits, mainly being instrumental in reducing stress, improving sleep, optimizing your immune system and so much more. So when faced with a stressful situation, before you become unglued, take a moment to sit quietly and breathe deeply!

Tip #2
Pray, Meditate and Refocus
prayer meditate refocus(Photo courtesy of Google Images)
There are situations that we will encounter that are beyond our human control. We are not super people with super human strength, contrary to popular belief. This life will get crazy and that’s when we need to take it to the Lord in prayer. Prayer, like deep breathing, works. It is the understanding that we cannot control or fix everything and everybody that brings us to our knees. Learning to pray sincerely, meditate honestly on God’s word and taking time to refocus on what’s really important in our lives, will reduces stress immensely.

Tip #3
laughter(Photo courtesy of Google Images)
This one is fun. Laugh! Hard and loud and until your stomach cramps and the tears soak your cheeks. Laughter is your internal medication, its God’s natural remedy for a soul-ache. What Tylenol does for your headache, good old-fashioned laughter does for your soul’s-ache. It works!

Tip #4
Read a good book
reading a book(Photo courtesy of Google Images)

We can get so caught up in the hub-bub of life that we forget how relaxing it is to sit down with a steamy/hot romance novel or an inspirational self-help book that not only takes your mind off your problems but gives your brain the inspirational work-out that it needs. There have been studies that determine that reading is the work-out your brain needs in order to stay in its optimal health. Reading reduces stress and expands your knowledge; it’s a win-win situation!

Tip #5
Music calms the savage beast (called stress)
listening to music(Photo courtesy of Google Images)

This is another one of my favorite stress relievers. The power of music is remarkable in so many ways and has so many incredible benefits. We can actually calm that beast called stress by listening to our favorite songs, regardless of the genre. Listening to soft classical or jazz can help slow down your pulse and heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and decrease stress hormone levels, while up-beat tempo music can help boost your self-esteem, improve your mood, your concentration and so much more. So close your eyes and relax as your stress dissipates into the sounds and rhythms of melodic pleasure.

A few other stress reducers are, going on walks in the evening, riding a bike, working out, watching a sunset, singing, going to the beach, fishing, journaling, road trips, pampering yourself at a day spa, doing Yoga, sitting in a hot tub, going to the movies, volunteering, reading your bible, eating ice cream (or your favorite treat), simplifying your life and spending quality time with good friends and family. Can you think of other ways to minimize stress?
sunset(Photo courtesy of Google Images)

At whatever cost, reduce the stress and relax. YOLO (you only live once)!


Its the little things

I decided to take a break from all my duties today and just climb up in the bed, in my pajamas and listen to smooth jazz while sipping a mocha coffee. I decided to give myself the gift of relaxation.

I told my husband that I wasn’t running any errands and that my two teenage children would have to cook for themselves, mama’s resting today!

I was engrossed in a good book around 2 o’clock this afternoon when the doorbell rang. We don’t get a lot of company so I was curious as to who it could have been.

When I opened the door, I was pleasantly surprised to get a beautiful little package, that I was not expecting. It is truly the precious, little things that make this life beautiful.
!flowers from charles

Thank you husband. I love you too. Through it all. No matter what. For better or worse. Through sickness and health. When times are good and when times are bad. Thank you for the little things!
flowers from charles2

Various Stages of Writer’s Block

Shannon A. Thompson


The latest review of Take Me Tomorrow is in!Trials of a wanna-be-publisher writer states, “Take Me Tomorrow asks a lot of questions around thorny issues in today’s society without becoming preachy in its message…As I have come to expect from Shannon, this book is well-crafted, engaging and very well-written (pretty much a given for this author). While the genre may be classed as ‘Young Adult’, don’t let that fool you; Take Me Tomorrow is an intelligent and thought-provoking piece of writing and one I highly recommend you check out.” And I highly recommend you read her entire review by clicking here

Various Stages of Writer’s Block

Oh, the dreaded writer’s block. The horror of the static pen. The silence of untapped keyboards. The banging of your forehead against the desk.

We’ve all been there – some of us more than others – and that’s why…

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For Writers: Exercise your body, exercise your brain

Shannon A. Thompson

For Writers: Exercise your body, exercise your brain

Exercise. The dreaded e-word. I get it. People are busy. Between working and managing a healthy diet, finding the time to go for a run is difficult, but – ::sigh:: – it is important for many reasons. Taking care of yourself is vital to maintaining a healthy brain…and (spoiler alert) that healthy brain can be the make-it-or-break-it point for a writer on the verge of insanity. (I figured this out after I broke my sanity and had a sob fest in a public gym. Cute, I know.) You can only sit in your plush rolling chair and stare at your computer screen for so long, and getting up and out might help you surpass that writer’s block you’ve been battling for three weeks straight. So here are three, helpful tips I wish I had that I think pertain to many people (but…

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The Benefits of Homeschooling

kids doing puzzle at library

kids working outside art

The last time I blogged about homeschooling, I was only teaching my twelve-year old son. Now, I’m instructing my fourteen year old daughter who is above average, a grade ahead and sharp as a whip. She alone, keeps me on my toes. She alone, keeps me burning the midnight oil, researching, learning, reading, and printing everything I can to not only maintain her grade level but challenge her as well.

kids studying in dining room

My son is easy. Seventh grade work isn’t as challenging as tenth grade work.

He’s our class clown also. The other day he was dragging his covers to the dining room table where they do their lessons, when I stopped him in his tracks.

“Hey, where are you going with those covers, young man? It’s class time, so take that blanket back to your bedroom,” I said.

“But mom, I’m cold and I don’t feel good. I think I have a fever. Can I just stay home from school today,” he asked?

“No sir, you cannot.” I felt his head, which was perfectly normal. “You stayed up too late last night and you’re wanting to sleep in, and in case you hadn’t noticed, YOU ARE AT HOME! Homeschool, remember?”

I smiled as he drug his Dallas Cowboys fleece blanket to his room in slow motion.

There are days when I am stretched beyond my comfort zone, when I’m teaching my children things I did not learn in school as a child. It’s challenging and rewarding at the same time. I’m very grateful for this era of technology where so much information is available in so many formats. I still like taking trips to the library and checking out books, the old-fashioned way as much as I enjoy e-learning through limitless resources on the internet. I’ve taken my children on field trips to science museums, art museums, the wildlife preserve and an awesome aquarium exhibit in Oklahoma. Teaching and learning has never been more fun.

kids at science museum bubbles

oklahoma aquarium2

oklahoma aquarium3

oklahoma aquarium

But the benefits of homeschooling are so much deeper. I’ve listed a few and if you’re a homeschooling parent I’m sure you have a list of your own. If you’re not a homeschooling parent, trust me, it’s more rewarding than you can imagine.


Quality one on one time with your children
You get to select the curriculum, so you know exactly what your children are learning
YOU learn new and exciting things too
It’s FREE and/or affordable
You get to set your own hours
You get to provide delicious and nutritious meals (kids are always complaining about school lunches)
The learning environment can be inside the house, on the patio outside, at the park, the library, etc.
Learning can take place any time of the day (I quiz them during dinner, after dinner, while they’re sleep LOL)
You are free to explore your child’s individual interests and tailor lessons accordingly
The educational field trips and learning adventures are limitless
You’re able to incorporate family and religious values into the learning process
The intimate and very active part you play in your child’s education is priceless

So at the end of the day, I am grateful for this once in a lifetime opportunity to share in my children’s education. I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

home schooling rocks


toni beside bed2